Supplementary Studies§
Books are available directly from the publishers or from distributors. Titles especially recommended are marked with an asterisk. Those quoted from in Loving Gaṇeśa are marked with two asterisks.§
Agrawala, P. K. Goddess Vinayaki: The Female Ganesa. Benares: 1978.§
Agrawala, V. S. “Meaning of Ganapati.” Journal of the Oriental Research Institute 13 (1963): 1-4.§
Aravamuthan, T. T. “Ganesa: Clue to a Cult and a Culture.” Journal of Oriental Research 18 (1949): 221-45.§
Brown, Robert L., ed., Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God. New York: State Univ. of N.Y. Press, 1991.§
Chinmayananda, Swami. Glory of Ganesha. Bombay: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, 1991.§
Courtright, Paul. Ganesa: Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings. Oxford: O. Univ. Press, 1985.§
Edgerton, Franklin. The Elephant Lord of the Hindus: The Elephant Sport (Matangalila) of Nilakantha. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1931.§
Getty, Alice, Ganesha: A Monograph On the Elephant-Faced God. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1971.§
Hazra, R. C. “Ganapati Worship and the Upapuranas Dealing with It.” Journal of the Ganganath Jha Research Institute 5 (1948): 263-76.§
Heras, H. The Problem of Ganapati. Delhi: Indological Book House, 1972.§
Jagannathan, Shakunthala and Nanditha Krishnan, Ganesha: The Auspicious... The Beginning. Bombay: Vakils, Feffer & Simons, 1992.§
Karunakaran, Rankorath, The Riddle of Ganesha. Bombay: Book Quest, 1992.§
Krishan, Yuvraj, Gaṇeśa, Unraveling an Enigma. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999.§
**Keshavadas, Sadguru Sant, Lord Ganesha. Oakland, CA: Vishwa Dharma Pub., 1988.§
Krishnaswamy, Uma. The Broken Tusk and Other Stories. Connecticut: Linnet Books, 1996.§
Kishore, B. R. Ganesha: The God of Precedence. New Delhi: Diamond Pocket Books.§
Lal, Lakshmi, Ganesha beyond the Form. Bombay: IBH Publishing, 1991.§
Mani, V. R. Sons of Siva: A Study in the Religious Cults of Ganesha and Karttikeya. Delhi: Sharada Prakashan, 1990.§
Martin-Dubost, Paul, Gaṇeśa, The Enchanter of the Three Worlds. Mumbai: Franco-Indian Research, 1997.§
**Navaratnam, Ratna Ma, Aum Ganesha, The Peace of God. Jaffna: Vidya Bhavan, 1978.§
Parthasarathy, A. Symbolism of Hindu Gods & Rituals. Bombay: Vedanta Life Institute, 1989.§
**Ramachandran, T.R., ed., Sri Ganesha; Vol. xii, No. 6 of Tattvaloka, The Splendor of Truth. Bombay: Sri Abhinava Vidyateertha Mahaswamigal Education Trust, 1990.§
Ramasubramaniam, V. “The Ganapati-Vinayaka Gajanana Worship: Analysis of an Intregrative Cult.” Institute of Traditional Cultures Bulletin, 1971, p. 97-153.§
Rao, S. K. Ramachandra, Ganesa Kosha. Bangalore: Kalpatharu Research Academy, 1992.§
Rao, U. Venkatakrishna. “The Ganapati Cult.” Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society 41 (1949): 92-99.§
Reddy, Galiveti Ranga. Sree Ganesa: Stotras and Stories. Madras; Padmini Publications, 1981.§
Somayaji, K. N. Concepts of Ganesha. Bangalore: Kalpatharu Research Academy, 1983.§
Srikant. Sri Ganesha: Alphabet of Reality. Madras: Integral Books, 1980.§
Trivedi, P. K., Ganesh. Ahmedabad: Ananda Prakashan, 1986.§
Yoroi, Kiyoshi, Ganesa Gita: A Study, Translation with Notes, and a Condensed Rendering of the Commentary of Nilakantha. The Hague: Mouton, 1968.§
*Hume, Robert Ernest, The Thirteen Principal Upanishads. Oxford: O. Univ. Press, 1958.§
*Kingsbury, F., and Phillips, G. E., Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints. Calcutta: Association Press, 1921.§
*Mascaró, Juan, The Upanishads (selections). Narmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1965.§
*Natarajan, B. (tr.), Tirumantiram, A Tamil Scriptural Classic by Tirumular. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1991.§
Navaratnam, Ratna Chelliah, Saint Yogaswami and the Testament of Truth. Columbuturai: Thiru Kasipillai Navaratnam, 1972.§
Pandit, M. P., Kularnava Tantra. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984.§
*Panikkar, Raimon, The Vedic Experience. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989.§
*Peterson, Indira Viswanathan, Poems to Siva, The Hymns of the Tamil Saints. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1991.§
*Pope, G.U. (trans.), Tirukkural. Madras: The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Publishing Society, 1981.§
Ramanujam, A.K., Speaking of Siva. Baltimore: Penguin, 1973.§
**Subramuniyaswami, Sivaya, Weaver’s Wisdom (English trans. of Tirukural), Himalayan Academy, 1999.§
Yogaswami, Natchintanai. Jaffna: Sivathondan Society, 1974.§
Arunachalam, M., Peeps into the Cultural Heritage of Hinduism. Tirupanandal: Kasi Mutt, 1987.§
*Dye, Joseph M., Ways To Shiva—Life and Ritual in Hindu India. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1980.§
*Klostermaier, Klaus K., A Survey of Hinduism. Albany: State Univ. of N.Y., 1998.§
*Navaratnam, K., Studies in Hinduism. Jaffna: Maheswary Navaratnam, 1963.§
*Radhakrishnan, S., The Hindu View of Life. New York: Macmillan, 1975.§
Singh, Dr. Karan, Essays on Hinduism. Delhi: Ratna Sagar, 1990.§
Sivananda, Swami, All About Hinduism. Shivanandanagar: The Divine Life Society, 1988.§
*Subramuniyaswami, Sivaya, Dancing with Śiva. Kapaa, HI: Himalayan Academy Publications, 1996.§
Arunachalam, M., Festivals of Tamil Nadu. Tiruchitrambalam: Gandhi Vidyalayam, 1980.§
Barth, Auguste. The Religion of India. London: Kegan Paul, 1921.§
Pandey, Raj Bali, Hindu Samskaras. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1969.§
*Subramuniyaswami, Sivaya, Living with Siva. Kapaa, HI: Himalayan Academy, 1991.§
*Eck, Diana L., Darsan, Seeing the Divine Image in India, 2nd edition. Chambersburg, PA: Anima Books, 1985.§
*Kramrisch, Stella, Manifestations of Shiva. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1981.§
Navaratnam, Ratna Ma, Karttikeya, The Divine Child. Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1973.§
**Sivananda, Swami, Lord Shanmukha and His Worship. Rishikesh: Divine Life Society, 1990.§
Sivananda, Swami, Lord Siva and His Worship. Rishikesh: Divine Life Society, 1989.§
Waghorne, Joanne Punzo, et. al., Gods of Flesh, Gods of Stone. Chambersburg, PA: Anima, 1985.§
**Capra, Fritjof, Tao of§
**Chari, Seshadri, (ed.), Organiser (weekly journal), New Delhi: Hemandas Motwani for Bharat Prakashan.§
**Ramachandran, T.R., Tattvaloka, Bangalore: Sri Abhinava Vidyateertha Mahaswamigal Education Trust, bimonthly, FFeb/Mar 1990.§
**Subramuniyaswami, Sivaya, Hinduism Today (quarterly magazine), Kapaa, Hawaii: Himalayan Academy.§
**Wilson, Thomas, The Swastika, the Earliest Known Symbol and Its Migration, 506 Uun31. vol.41 Report of the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institute, 1894.§
Santhanam, Maharajapuram, (audio): Krithis on Vinayaka. Ontario: OMI Music Inc., 1985.§
Various artists, (audio): Sri Ganeshaya Namaha. New Jersey: Asia One Stop, Inc., 1994.§
Various Artists, (audio): Bhaktimala, Ganesha, vols. 1 and 2. New Delhi: Music Today, 1991.§
Carr, Rachel, Be A Frog, A Bird, or A Tree. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1977.§
Corkery, Forrest and Marti Mueller, A Child and a Tree. Auroville, India: Auroville Press, 1989.§
Devi Dasi, Tilak and Rasagraha Devi Dasi, A•B•C Coloring Book. Lynbrook, New York: Bala Books, 1982.§
Khandpur, Swarn, Let Us Know India (24 vols.). Bombay: India Book House, 1978.§
Nivedita, Sister (Margaret E. Noble), Cradle Tales of Hinduism. Almora, India: Advaita Ashrama, 1972.§
*Padmanabhan, Chandra, Dakshin, Vegetarian Cuisine from South India. Sydney, Australia: Angus and Robertson, 1992.§
Prakashananda, Swami, Don’t Think of a Monkey and Other Stories My Guru Told Me. California: Saraswati Productions, 1995.§
Rozman, Deborah, Meditating with Children, The Art of Concentration and Centering. California: Planetary Publications, 1994.§
Ryder, Arthur W., The Panchatantra. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1972.§
Shephard, Aaron, Savitri. Illinois: Albert Whitman and Company, 1992.§
*Sorcar, Manick (animated videos): Deepa and Rupa (1990); The Sage and the Mouse and Sniff (1993); The Woodcutter’s Daughter (1995). Denver, CO: Manick Sorcar Productions.§
Vijaykar, Mona, The Vee Family: Little Vee Wants to be Tom, Nick or Harry. California: Tri color Books, 1991.§
Vishwashrayananda, Swami, Ramakrishna for Children. Calcutta:
Udbodhan Office, 1990.§
*Wood, Douglas, Old Turtle. Duluth, MN: Pfeifer-Hamilton, 1992.§
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