NOW WE HAVE TOLD GAṆEŚA’S STORY AND HAVE BEEN REWARDED WITH THE kindly responses of eminent, scholarly swāmīs, satgurus and co-religionists who sent so many generous contributions and remarks which helped make it 99 percent perfect. We know it could be one percent better, but rest in the feeling that we did our humble best. Praying to our loving Gaṇeśa is a must for each Hindu and ardha-Hindu to be able to succeed and then sustain their enterprises. For this beloved God looks far into the future and expects family wealth not to be a temporary prosperity for one generation or two, but a sustainable fortune for many more generations into the future of futures. So a prayer now and again is worth the praying. The wealth of knowledge is immense about this principal bearer of Hinduism, the pope of it all (the God whom even Rudra-Brahmā-Vishṇu Himself acknowledged and gave a place of honor). We presumed no hope to capture all His glorious subtleties within these few pages—just enough to know how to proceed in His worship, receive His love and commence well-thought-out plans with His grace. This mystic God knows no bounds. He is the channel to all the 330 million Gods and the Supreme God of the Vedas. To be sure, Gaṇeśa is boundless and as universal as gravity, responding to our every need just a little faster than the speed of light. Believe it. It’s true. We affectionately conclude Loving Gaṇeśa, remembering Him as the patron of culture, protector of travelers, the door opener and the guardian of destiny, guiding Dharma’s future.§