It is said that hatred is the disease that spreads the plagues of discord among all living creatures. §
Though men devise disunity and deliberately harm you, the highest path plots no hateful retribution.§
Removing the incurable cancer called hatred reveals one’s immortal, undiminishing splendor.§
The quelling of hatred, that sorrow of sorrows, confers on man the joy of joys. §
Who is there who can conquer those who have relinquished all hostilities?§
For all who boast that they take delight in hatred, failure and death are drawing near. §
Men filled with hatred, knowingly causing harm to others, never see that their hoped-for triumph lies in God’s true grace.§
Wealth increases when a man walks away from hatred and diminishes whenever he draws it near. §
Seeing a prosperous season approach, men neglect hatred. In times of ruin, they nurture it lavishly. §
Out of hatred springs all bitter suffering, while cheerful friendship yields good fortune’s every joy.§