Unsullied men, skilled in discourse, may speak unfalteringly before the powerful, provided they understand their audience.§
Only the learned among learned can convincingly express what they have learned before a learned assembly. §
Men who can brave death on the battlefield are common; but rare are they who can face an audience without fear.§
Speak confidently before the learned what you have mastered; and learn from those more learned what you do not know. §
Study the science of logic in order that you may fearlessly reply in any assembly. §
What can a coward do with a sword? What can a man who fears an astute council do with books?§
The learning of those who fearfully face an audience is like the shining saber of effeminate men facing foes.§
Having learned many things, men remain useless if they cannot speak well in good assemblies. §
Literary men intimidated by gatherings of good men are said to be inferior to the illiterate.§
Men whose fear of assemblies forbids them to share their knowledge, though living, may as well be dead.§