It is ten million times better not to beg, even from those precious men whose joy is giving and who thus never refuse.§
Were it the World-Creator’s wish for men to live by begging, men might wish that He, too, die a wandering beggar.§
There is no greater foolhardiness than to say, “I shall end the pains of poverty by begging.” §
This entire world is too small to contain the dignity of men who will not stoop to beg, even in the direst destitution. §
Though it is only gruel, thin as water, nothing is more savory than food that is earned by the labor of one’s own hands. §
The tongue finds nothing more distasteful than begging, even just to beg drinking water for a cow.§
This I beg of all beggars: “If you must beg, beg not from misers.”§
The unsturdy ship called begging will break apart the moment it crashes against the rock of refusal. §
Thoughts of a beggar’s plight melt the heart. Thoughts of refusals he receives crush it completely.§
Having said “no” to a beggar, knowing it might kill the poor man, where is a miser going to hide from his word?§