Gurudeva is seated in the yogic posture beneath the sprawling banyan tree at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, his hand raised to bless his maṭhavāsis gathered at his feet. The sādhakas in white vestments are following the path of service and training. The yogīs in yellow are preparing for sannyāsa, practicing advanced meditative disciplines and tapas toward self-transformation. The swāmīs in orange form the Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order, the ecclesiastical body of Saiva Siddhanta Church. The monastics are surrounded by Kauai’s tropical lushness while behind them flows the sacred Wailua River and its Nani Kaua waterfall, which tumbles into a large, natural rock pond. Above the sky is filled with rainbows.
Hail, O sannyāsin, love’s embodiment! Does any power exist apart from love? Diffuse thyself throughout the happy world. Let painful māyā cease and never return. Day and night give praise unto the Lord. Pour forth a stream of songs to melt the very stones. Attain the sight where night is not, nor day. See Śiva everywhere and rest in bliss. Live without interest in worldly gain. Here, as thou hast ever been, remain.§